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The University of Montevallo uses CampusESP for FERPA Management.
Under the provisions of FERPA, the University of Montevallo may not disclose information from a student’s education record to a parent, guardian, spouse, or other individual unless the student grants permission. Students may do so through UM’s FERPA Management application. Approval through this application constitutes written consent to release such information to whomever the student designates for the categories listed. The University will honor the authorization until and unless otherwise redacted by the student through the FERPA Management application or by written request submitted directly to the Registrar’s Office.
Students can add and manage their connections with our FERPA Management software. As the student, you are able to change or revoke access at any time. Students can access the FERPA Management application via Banner Self-Service, or by clicking the “Are you a student, faculty, or staff? Log in here.” at the bottom of the log in page of the FERPA Management application.
Refer to the full user guide below.
Parents and Family
Parents and family can create their account by using email or by logging in with Facebook, LinkedIn, or Google. Parents and family may request access to their student’s information by initiating a request to the student’s UM email and will be asked to create a PIN used for verification by the University. Once the connection is approved by the student, parents and family can view their student’s information in the dashboard.
Refer to the full user guide below.
Please note: Students have full control of who has access to their information and have the ability to revoke access at any time.
Faculty and Staff
Faculty and staff can use Campus ESP to confirm FERPA permission granted by students. Faculty and staff access the FERPA Management application via Banner Self-Service, or by clicking the “Are you a student, faculty, or staff? Log in here.” at the bottom of the log in page of the FERPA Management application.
Refer to the full user guide below.
Proof of Tax Dependency
In the absence of permission granted by the student, the University of Montevallo may disclose information from a student’s education record if that student’s parent or legal guardian provides a notarized copy of their tax return for the most recent tax year showing that the student is claimed as a dependent. To request disclosure of information from the student’s education record, the parent or guardian must provide a written request citing the desired information accompanied by a copy of the notarized tax return to the Registrar’s Office. For privacy reasons, a parent may redact sensitive information from the tax return not related to proof of tax dependency.
Please note that permission to share information by the student or a tax return for dependency verification by a parent or guardian does not automatically compel the University to release confidential information from a student’s education record. University officials reserve the right in these cases to prevent disclosure of such information to any individual other than the student.