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Education and Human Development

Wills Hall Facilities Reservation Form

Wills Hall facilities are available to the faculty and staff of the University of Montevallo through reservation.  Reservations must be requested by completing the form below.  Reservations will be confirmed through email to the responsible party.  The individual indicated as “Responsible Party” assumes responsibility to protect the equipment from theft, loss, or damage.  This person is expected to attend the event and secure the room upon departure.  Financial liability for the loss or damage of equipment or facilities due to negligence rests fully with the responsible party.  Beginning Fall 2018, Chromebooks are used in Wills 215 instead of desktops.

Additional Terms and Conditions of Use:

  • Faculty or staff members must be present when students are using the equipment.
  • Facilities should be left in an orderly manner (equipment secured, tables/chairs straightened and returned to original location, white board erased, trash placed in container, lights off).
  • Food or drinks are not allowed on the teaching station/lectern in facility.
  • “First-come, first-served” sign-up policy.
  • No software applications may be installed or removed from the computers without prior approval.
  • No modifications of any type may be made to the system software or hardware.
  • Last minute reservations will be honored based on facility availability.
  • Persons who use the facility without reservation or beyond an allotted reservation time are subject to being refused reservations in the future.

Wills Hall Facilities Reservation Form